This may come as no surprise to anyone, but I am a debate nerd. I like to watch people, at the top of their game, argue interesting subjects with finesse, poise, and persuasiveness. This also leads me to watch a lot of debates on the existence of God between atheists and believers. More often than not, in order to disprove the existence of God, atheists will point to several instances in the Bible where God seems to act out of character, more often than not, in times when God is angry. They point to these episodes in order to show that God cannot be all-loving and perfectly just if He acts in this way. What I find most interesting about the believers response is many times they try to explain away God’s anger as exceptional circumstances, or just accepting that God acts the way He wants and we have to get used to it. I think those responses are woefully inadequate to the topic of wrestling with God’s anger. We learned last week that we serve an emotional God, so what do we do when God gets angry? What can we learn from it? How can we come to a place that we not only understand God’s anger, but praise Him for it? That’s what we will do this morning